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This is the legal agreement between you and Icon Soft Pvt. Ltd., Hetauda for the software that you have installed, which includes computer software and related documentation. By installing or using the software you accept all the terms and conditions of this agreement.
1. This License grants you the following rights.
Uses of Software: You may use the Software on any single computer. You may also install a copy for your exclusive use on either a home or portable computer. Storage/Network Use: You may store or install a copy of the Software on a storage device, such as a network server, used only to install or run the Software over an internal network; however, you must acquire and dedicate a license for each individual who will use the Software. A License for the Software may not be shared or used concurrently on different computers. If the Software is installed on a network server or other system that physically allows shared access to the Software, you agree to provide technical or procedural methods to prevent use of the Software by individuals not specifically licensed to use the Software pursuant to this Agreement.
License Pack: If you have acquired this Agreement in a License Pack, you may make the number of additional copies of the Software authorized on the printed copy of this Agreement and you may use each copy in the manner specified above. You are also entitled to make a corresponding number of secondary copies for home and portable computer use as specified above.
Transfer: You may transfer the Software and Documentation to a single recipient on a permanent basis provided you retain no copies of the Software or Documentation (including backup or archival copies) and the recipient agrees to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If the Software is an upgrade, any transfer must include all prior versions of the Software and Documentation. You may freely distribute copies of applications.
2. Other Rights and Limitations:
Reverse Engineering: You may not modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble (except to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restrictions) or create derivative works based on the Software, or any portion thereof.
Copying: You may not copy the Software or Documentation except as specifically provided by this Agreement. Separation of Components: The Software is licensed as a single product. You may not separate the Software's component parts for use on more than one computer.
Rental: You may not rent or lease the Software or Documentation. Proprietary Notices: You may not remove any proprietary notices, labels or marks on the Software or Documentation.
Upgrades: If the Software is an upgrade from another product, this upgrade License supersedes any previous License. You may use the Software only in conjunction with the upgraded product, or you must destroy the upgraded product.
Use of Name and logos: You may not use Icon soft or its suppliers' name, logos, or trademarks in any manner including, without limitation, in your advertising or marketing materials, except as is necessary to affix the appropriate copyright notices as required herein.
3. Title
Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Software and Documentation shall remain in Icon Soft and its suppliers. The Software and the Documentation are protected by the copyright laws of international copyright treaties.
4. Termination
The License is in effect until terminated. The License will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the limitations described herein. On termination, you must destroy all copies of the Software and Documentation.
5. Export Controls
This Software is subject to the export control laws of the Nepal. You may not export or re-export the Software without the appropriate government licenses. You shall otherwise comply with all applicable export control laws and shall defend, indemnify and hold Company and all Company suppliers harmless from any claims arising out of your violation of such export control laws.
6. Limited Warranty
Icon Soft Pvt. Ltd. warrants that the media containing the Software, if provided by the Company, is free from defects in material and workmanship and will so remain for ninety (90) days from the date you acquired the Software. If you make any modifications to the Software during the warranty period, if the media is subjected to accident, abuse, or improper use, or if you violate the terms of this Agreement, then this warranty shall immediately be terminated.
Thanks !
Development Team
Icon Soft Pvt. Ltd.
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